We understand that maintaining this level of continued success requires a constant investment in equipment, faculty and student resources. At Oulton, we are continuously improving our facilities to meet the demands of the changing job market. We are the first private (non-IT) college in the Maritime Provinces to obtain University Accreditation for its courses. We continue to maintain our commitment to academic excellence by ensuring that our programs are accredited and recognized by the highest industry standards:
- Our spacious and modern facilities feature industry-standard technologies.
- Our Dental Education Centre (Pacific Avenue Campus) is well equipped with a 29-chair modern dental facility.
- Our Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting programs are both accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. Our Dental Hygiene program has had over 95% success on national board exams.
- Our BSc in NursingĀ is an accelerated 3-year degree program course designed to fast-track students into the nursing profession. This program is recognized and approved by the NBNB. Ensuring that graduates are well-prepared to become registered nurses upon successfully passing the certification exam.
- Our Veterinary Technician program is the only accredited program in New Brunswick.
- Our Licensed Practical Nurse program is the first private college program in Atlantic Canada to receive full accreditation by theĀ Association of New Brunswick Licensed Practical Nurses (ANBLPN).
- Our Primary Care Paramedic programĀ is structured to meet the competency requirements established by the Paramedic Association of Canada. Students of this program are eligible to write the Provincial Licensing Exam and work across Canada.
- Our Medical Laboratory Assistant programĀ is structured to meet the National competency profile for Medical Laboratory Assistants. Students of this program are eligible to write the national certification exam.