
Oulton’s Pharmacy Technician Program Granted Full Accreditation Status

The Pharmacy Technician program at Oulton College is the first college in Atlantic Canada, with instruction in English, to be granted full accreditation by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP). Full accreditation status means that the Pharmacy Technician Program at Oulton College has met rigorous national educational and industry standards. With the granting of this award, the public can be assured that the program contains the necessary content to graduate students who have the competency to practice safely and effectively as regulated pharmacy technicians throughout Canada. Successful completion of this CCAPP accredited program will allow graduates direct entry into national entry-to-practice exams. Passing these exams is a requirement of registration as a technician within Canada.

The role of the pharmacy technician throughout Canada is currently evolving and a new healthcare professional, the Registered Pharmacy Technician (RPhT), is emerging. The registered pharmacy technician will be taking on new responsibilities within the pharmacy and will be collaborating with pharmacists to ensure that patients receive optimal patient care. They will become valuable members of the pharmacy team. With legislative changes in NB on the horizon, this new healthcare professional will soon become regulated in the province, benefiting clients, pharmacists, and the healthcare system. Regulation of technicians will provide greater protection for the public as technicians take on more responsibility and the skills of pharmacists are used more effectively. Other provinces, like Ontario, Alberta, BC, and Nova Scotia have already moved forward in regulating the profession within their respective provinces.

If you’re interested in a profession as a Pharmacy Technician, give us a call and apply for our program starting October 2014!

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